Polyfaces Promotional Elements
In order to assist screenings and partners locally promote their showing of the ‘Polyfaces’ film we’ve developed a list of ‘Polyfaces Promotional Elements’:
- PolyfacesFBEventBanner784x295.png — formatted Facebook Event banner (image file .png)
- Postcard.png — formatted A6 postcard (image file .png)
- PostcardBack.png — formatted A6 postcard (image file .png)
- PostcardBack_Logo.psd — editable A6 postcard with space for logo and event details (Photoshop .psd)
- Poster.png — formatted tabloid (11″x17″ or A3) poster (image file .png)
- High Resolution Stills — a selection of high resolution stills to be used in press kits
- Banner — 2000mm x 820mm pull-up banner for events — print at OfficeWorks, OfficeDepot, Staples etc.
Conditions of Use:
- By using any of these ‘Polyfaces Promotional Elements’ (‘PPE’) the user acknowledges the copyright ownership of Regrarians Ltd. over these ‘PPE’.
- If any of these ‘PPE’ are modified in any way (excepting print size for printed elements) these modifications must first be approved by Regrarians Ltd. — send proofs to info@regrarians.org