Polyfaces.. a film to inspire and create change…

“If every farmer in the United States would practise this system, in fewer than 10 years we would sequester ALL the CARBON that’s been emitted since the beginning of the Industrial Age…”

Joel Salatin, (2015), Polyfaces, the film.

As the problems of the world become more and more complex, the solutions become clear and simple. One Australian family has spent their life savings to travel to the US to make a film about a style of farming they think will help save humanity!

Lisa Heenan and Darren Doherty and their 3 children have spent the last 4 years and all the money they had saved to build a sustainable and regenerative farm (well over $150K) to create this visionary and inspirational film.

Darren Doherty is one of the world’s leading regenerative agriculture specialists and he has consulted in well over 40 countries with thousands of farms and farmers… all with the one purpose…

Hoping to inspire great change in our Global Village.

Currently sitting in a mountain cabin in Afton, Virginia, Darren and Lisa are working hard to create some serious change in our agricultural and local food systems…

When they return to Australia, Lisa and Darren and their family will be living illegally in caravans on the land they call home. Their landlord recently gave them notice while they were overseas promoting ‘Polyfaces’ and their 14 year old son and 22 year old daughter are packing up their home while they work on changing the world’s agricultural system and building a better future for their children and ours…  

Please take a few minutes out of your very busy day to watch the trailer for Polyfaces. It shows positive working examples of the Regenerative Economy in ACTION that can and are being replicated all over our Global Village! This is how we can make some serious change. This is how we can save our ecosphere. 

The governments of the world are just twiddling their fingers while our ecosystems collapse… It is up to us to create serious change and avert the disasters that are rapidly approaching. Darren, Lisa and their family have dedicated everything they have to create positive change and avert the disaster that we are on a trajectory to experience…

If you thought Food Inc was important, this is the next step.

The movie trailer has been translated into 15 languages in an effort to help inspire and create grass roots change in our Global ecosystem. By inspiring the grass roots of people that can help create change, Polyfaces hopes to “bring this ship around”… There is still much hope.

I have no doubt that your film will fill young people with optimism and stoke their desire to farm. I can’t imagine watching it as a 20 year old and not deciding this is what I want to do!’

Michael Pollan

Winner of the Festival Spirit Award at the Weyauwega film festival and the Minister for Agriculture award at the Life Sciences Film Festival, Polyfaces is just starting to build some serious momentum to create change.

Polyfaces is qualified for the Academy Awards and their Theatre Premieres as part of the submission will be from the 11-18th of December at the Town Centre in LA (Tickets available for the LA Premiere here) and 18th-25th of December at the Cinema Village in NYC (Tickets available for the NYC tickets here).

Joel Salatin, Lisa and Darren will be at all screenings on the first days of the week runs.

Please help with this mission of utmost importance. Every little bit helps. Share with your networks. Attend a screening. Tell the people you know how important this is. Help us get the word out that there is hope. There is a better future waiting for our children and the generations to come…It is up to us to make the change…

Thanks and all the best,

Yours & Growing,

Lisa Heenan Producer/Co-Director ‘Polyfaces’

Director Regrarians Ltd.

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